Crossing Over

As the title might suggest...yes, a bit of crossing is going to happen.  John H. and I worked this morning on what we think will be a great module.  We will put 1/2" foam over the 1/2" plywood.  Then place a 6" tall box made of 3/4" plywood around it to match up to the other modules.  Also, build an internal support structure to keep it level and just even with the 3/4" plywood.  It will look similar to my end-plates.

Here are some pictures of the mock-up.  Oh, and we also tested super-elevating the curve and it works beautifully.

You can see the slight super-elevated curve.

Opposite side

From the accepting tangent.

An areal shot.

Also, had a good laugh when we were out getting some other supplies.

Glad the dog was enjoying it as much as we did.

Thanks for stopping by.


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